Based on Fantômas, the fictional phantom bandit and figure of unbounded criminality from French serial literature and film, Fantômas explores urban violence as a facet of the contemporary landscape.
Through the creation of an innovative mobile, enclosed audience unit, the production investigates the close relationship between sensation, violence and entertainment in contemporary visual culture. Throughout the production, the audience unit moves through space like a rolling camera dolly and the audience views the performance through an aperture of changing dimensions, not unlike the lens of a camera. The framing of the aperture and movement of the audience unit creates intense sensory effects for the audience.
The world premiere of Fantômas: Revenge of the Image took place October 19-28 at the Wuzhen Theatre Festival in China. This marked the first production to have its international world premiere at the festival and was met with sold out houses.
Fantômas: Revenge of the Image is made possible by generous support from Wanxin Media.
October 19-28, 2017 at the Wuzhen Theatre Festival in China.